Entrepreneur Showcase

This is your opportunity to share how your startup or company is making a difference in the world of space!

From the selected entrepreneurs and startups selected to showcase, 5 will be chosen to present at the South Florida Space Day pitch event 3:45 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. in front of a live audience of industry leaders, investors, founders, and community members alike.

  • University Track Criteria

    - Students and/or recent graduates (up to 2 years) from any college or university

    - Minimum Viable Product (MVP) produced

    - Little or no revenue

    - Less than 1 year since founded

  • Early Stage Criteria

    - Minimum Viable Product (MVP) produced and Proof of Concept established

    - Key members in place (minimum of 2 full-time employees)

    - Paying customers (not cash-flow positive)

    - Less than 3 years since founded

    - No more than $1 million raised in angel or seed capital

  • Late Stage Criteria

    - Commercially ready product

    - Company generating consistent revenue

    - Management team in place

    - In growth phase